Workshop “Technology and Services in the Wake of Demographic Change”

A complementary policy workshop at national level was held in Germany in cooperation with the Institute for social research and social economy (ISO), Saarbrücken. The workshop entitled “Technology and Services in the Wake of Demographic Change” took place March 30, in Berlin. The audience was comprised of scientists and practitioners from more than 80 research projects whose major focus is to develop new technologies and services supporting the elderly and other physically impaired people to live independently and safe in their own homes. This research cluster is thematically related to the Ambient Assisted Living initiative of the European Commission and funded by the Federal German Ministry for Education and Research. The policy workshop took an interactive approach for identifying future challenges the German society is confronted with related to demographic change casino spiele and identified challenges for future research dealing with these topics. A summary of the results from this workshop will be presented on this website soon.

Workshop documents:

Introductory presentation: “Erkenntnisse aus EFP-Foresight Analysen zum Thema „Active and Healthy Ageing“ (by Miriam Leis)
(this document is in German, an English translation will come soon)

Background documents:

EFP Policy Brief: Services Demographic Change